My wifey having orgy with a married male for our mutual enjoyment
My spouse wants me to post this here as he has posted me on other sites....giggle! i am his wife of 35+years and his submissive fuck-a-thon toy. he shares me with select married men two times a year. and i very first submitted to it simply to satisfy his very strenuous visual needs. but after all these years - i really do look forward to a fresh man, a new penis, and feeling a fresh man's moist fervor jizm in me. it is such a powerfully strong and satisfying feeling. and knowing my husband will re-claim my assets as his property, has made our marriage one of highly happy, loving, and passionate intimacy. i love being his naughty model and watching him jerk off and onslaught me like we were decades ago.
Added: May 27, 2024 Time: 04:41 Views: 29,362